Thursday, June 30, 2011

meatloaf with baby broccoli and raw red bell pepper

the meatloaf recipe is based on the Everyday Paleo recipe for meatloaf

preheat oven for 350

mix 2 lbs of ground grass-fed beef with:

  • 2 eggs
  • garlic
  • onion
  • ground almonds
  • ground macadamia nuts
  • 3 tomatoes
  • basil
  • majoram
  • pepper
  • salt

oil up pan and put ground beef mixture into pan and form into a rectangular lump like a "loaf"

cook in oven for an hour

cook baby broccoli with ghee in pan on medium for 5-10 minutes stirring frequently and keeping covered

chop up red bell pepper

place all on a plate and serve!

also,  a great way to use left-over meatloaf - make a meatloaf salad!


roasted rosemary chicken with squash, zucchini and asparagus

  • preheat oven for 350
  • rub olive oil on whole chicken
  • stuff a few sticks of fresh rosemary in chicken and sprinkle some on top
  • roast for an hour
  • cook squash, zucchini and asparagus in a skillet with olive oil, pepper and salt

serve and enjoy! yummy!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

shredded beef & purple cabbage salad

SonRise Ranch grass-fed shredded beef cooked in a crock pot with purple cabbage salad with fresh dill, red radish, tomato, cucumber, parsley, and lime juice.

italian sausage & veggies

simple and elegant :)

SonRise Ranch italian sausage sauteed and simmered with asparagus, mushroom, tomato, italian herbs, crushed red pepper and olive oil. delish!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Sunday, June 26, 2011

beef short ribs & brussel sprouts

grass-fed beef short ribs from SonRise Ranch cooked in the crock pot with some sauteed and simmered brussel sprouts! yummy!

french appple sausage spinach salad

quick lunch salad!

SonRise Ranch french apple sausage sauteed and covered in a pan 6 minutes each side on spinach, sprouts, fresh dill, bacon bits and apple cubes with lime juice dressing. yummy!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

chicken & veggie chana masala

i love indian food and one of the dishes i really love is chana masala. eating a paleo diet, i dont eat chickpeas, so i took the chana masala flavoring and applied it to something else!

of course, its an interpretation based on my research of what goes into chana masala. i think i got close to the taste ;)

chicken chopped up
green chili

stir fry in pan and cover to simmer for 5 minutes

yumminess! :)

Friday, June 24, 2011

pork & okra

i love my crock pot!! makes meat taste sooooooo good!!!!

this is slow-cooked pork from SonRise Ranch and one of my favorites, okra!! :)

the okra is lightly sauteed in a pan

as you can see above, my hubby organized his okra all neatly on his plate to eat :P haha hes so cute ;)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

ribs and radish salad

SonRise Ranch pork ribs cooked in the crock pot on low for 8 hours

radish salad with celery and red bell pepper

home-made spicey dressing and mustard dressing

my first photo gig!

my first gig as a photographer! yay!

my friend had her two kids' birthday party this last weekend and she paid me to be the photographer of this lovely event :)

check out the photo gallery i put together!


Friday, June 17, 2011

paleo party

hi guys!

last month we had a paleo party with some yummy paleo snacks and drinks!

here's some pics of the party food:

table with lots of paleo goodies and some paleo reference material

fatty guac deviled eggs

paleo cookies!!


italian sausage stuffed mushrooms

slow cooked port ribs


raw veggies

more raw veggies

nut and raisin mix!

salmon brought by martha and tj :) thanks guys!!

Friday, June 10, 2011

modeling and fashion photography

check out the beautiful clothing i modeled! all clothing is designed and hand-made by my friend salwa owens ... here is her etsy site:

i feel so silly, but its fun to say, im now officially a model! haha!

plus, i now have fashion photography experience as we used my camera for the photos and i took the pictures of the other model, tan girl with dark hair.


Thursday, June 9, 2011

paleo guide page

hi ya'll!

i've added a paleo guide page for those of you who are interested in what all this paleo stuff is about ;)

check it out by clicking on "paleo guide" from the top menu bar or click on this link:



Saturday, May 21, 2011


scrambled eggs, smoked salmon, greens, avocado and cucumber!

new york strip & bone marrow with korean style salad

very yummy meal~

grass-fed beef new york strip grilled rare - 3 minutes on each side

bone marrow cooked in a skillet - 6 minutes each side

korean style salad:

  • greens
  • green onion
  • garlic
  • red radish
  • sesame oil
  • soy sauce
  • ground red pepper
  • sesame seeds

Friday, May 20, 2011

coconut soup & indian style ground beef

coconut soup was good but i think i need to do some adjustments :)

indian style ground beef was very yummy and i plan on using the recipe with some veggies next time!

heres the ground beef:

  • 1 tablespoon coriander & 1/2 tablespoon of anise smashed up with a mortar and pestle
  • dry toast coriander and anise and chopped up 1/4 onion in a skillet for a few minutes on medium
  • add grass-fed ground beef turn down to medium low and mash up and stir around the beef
  • add fresh basil leaves and let simmer for 5 minutes
  • add tablespoon of ground tumeric and stir in
  • add more fresh basil leaves
  • simmer for 5 minutes on low

serve and enjoy!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

orange-strawberry juice smoothie

in a blender:
  • 4-5 whole peeled navel oranges
  • 10-15 strawberries
  • process and puree

save in a jar to drink later :)

about 4 large cup servings or 8 small cup servings

super yummy!!

tandoori chicken with radishes and carrot

this was a fun meal! i love the way the whole radish looks on the plate! not only that raw radish is yummy! the tandoori chicken was yummy too! i love indian food! im definitely going to learn to make more indian dishes ;) yes, i know, i like to combine foods that arent typically combined but its my way of eating ;)

tandoori chicken:
  • large chicken breast sliced up into tenders or use chicken legs and thighs
  • mix tandoori spice (i got mine at whole foods - its an organic spice mix), chili powder, smoked paprika, garlic powder, ginger powder, salt, olive oil, and a tiny bit of water and combine with chicken in a bag to marinate
  • marinate for an hour or overnight
  • preheat oven for 350
  • cook in oven with onion slices for 10 - 25 minutes depending on how thick the chicken pieces are

raw radishes and raw carrot to accompany chicken

garnish with lemon and raw onions

enjoy!! yummy!!

asian burger salad

asian burger salad!

home-made on the weekend asian burgers:

  • ground grass-fed beef
  • egg
  • ginger
  • garlic
  • onion

on top of greens
squeezed lime

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

no-oat oatmeal ... its no-atmeal!

this is a variation of the No-Oat Oatmeal by Doug Descant from the Primal Blueprint reader created cookbook ...

since my husband expressed he would like to try this for breakfast, i wanted something ready-to-go so he or i didnt have to prepare this in the morning before work. so i came up with something that could be blended and saved in jar to be scooped out during the week! its my version of the no-atmeal! plus, i finally got a good recipe down and finally wrote it down! horray for me!! haha

here it is! ... and yes, it looks and tastes like oatmeal ;)

this recipe has at least 5-10 servings depending on how much you eat per sitting - keeps me and my husband good monday-friday :)

In a Blender:

  • 4 bananas
  • 1 cup of unsweetened coconut milk (or almond milk)
blend - making sure not to blend too much, keeping it a bit lumpy ... after several blends it gets too blended so you dont wanna over blend in the beginning

now add:

  • 1-2 heaping tablespoons of almond butter
  • 2 medjool dates
  • 8 tablespoons of coconut flakes

mix and chop a bit ... next add:

  • handful of macadamia nuts
  • handful of pecans
  • handful of walnuts
  • 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 tablespoon ground nutmeg
  • 1/2 tablespoon ground ginger

chop and process a bit - dont over process as you want the nuts to be in small chunks to create the "lumpiness"... use a spoon to mix any stuff that sticks to the sides

  • add a handful of raisins

chop and process a bit  - its nice for the raisins to be in chunks so you dont need to chop that much if you dont want

pour into a jar to put in the frig to eat throughout the week! we got our jar from IKEA :)


smoked ham with squash, zucchini and tomatoes


  • place in crockpot with about an 1-2 inches of water for 5 hours


  • heat olive oil, bacon fat, garlic and italian spices (add crushed red pepper for spice) in pan for a few minutes
  • add 3 tomatoes and stir around for a few minutes
  • add chopped squash and zucchini
  • cover for 5-10 minutes

serve and enjoy! yummy!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

rare flat iron steak with bok choy


  • rub grass-fed flat iron beef steak with garlic powder and pepper and squeeze whole lime over and let marinate for 20 minutes - 1 hour
  • grill steak 4-6 minutes on each side for rare steak

bok choy:

  • stir fry fresh chopped ginger, dried red pepper and oil in pan for a few minutes
  • add bok choy
  • optional: add soy sauce
  • optional: add white wine
  • cover and simmer for 5 minutes

serve and enjoy! yummy!!

look at that awesome rare steak!!

egg & avocado salad

busy day calls for a quick salad!

  • eggs - cooked on low in a pan with bacon fat
  • avocado
  • onions
  • jalepeno
  • serrano pepper
  • spinach
  • romaine lettuce
  • arugula
  • pepper
  • salt
  • squeezed lime